The Gita

The Mahabharata, the world’s longest poem, chronicles the history of ancient India through an epic saga. This intricate tale, filled with complex characters and events, rich with romanceand tragedy, wisdom and verse, reaches its climax as two sides of a family prepare for a devastating war.
The Mahabharata, the world’s longest poem, chronicles the history of ancient India through an epic saga. This intricate tale, filled with complex characters and events, rich with romance and tragedy, wisdom and verse, reaches its climax as two sides of a family prepare for a devastating war.
Over 5000 years ago, countless warriors gathered at Kurukshetra, not far from present day Delhi for the ultimate battle. The Kauravas, driven by greed and pride, had usurped the throne from the Pandavas, who valued virtue, devotion and righteousness. Despite being treated unjustly and grossly exploited, the Pandavas sought peaceful solutions but the stubborn Kauravas refused to compromise. War was unavoidable.
As the battle neared, Arjuna, the skilled and dynamic Pandava archer, prepared to face his enemies. Hearing the clamour of war, he suddenly felt overwhelmed with doubt. Turning to Krishna, who had assumed the position of a humble charioteer, Arjuna asked for guidance. As they stood in the middle of the battlefield, between the opposing armies, Arjuna saw the pain and destruction that awaited his loved ones and comrades who had gathered on that battlefield.
In that moment, Arjuna’s confusion gave rise to life’s deepest and profound questions about meaning, purpose and happiness – the kind that dwell deep and linger within us all but remain unanswered for most. A soul-stirring dialogue with Krishna followed, revealing priceless wisdom, and thus, the Bhagavad-Gita – “the song of God” was born.
This timeless masterpiece spoken to guide and inspire Arjuna in his time of need, holds a greater purpose. As we face our own challenges on life’s battlefield, we’ll all encounter moments of confusion. The timeless wisdom of the Gita prompts us to go beyond the routine mundane existence of life answering those perennial questions offering an opportunity to elevate our existence on every level.
The Bhagavad-Gita As It Is, by Swami Prabhupada is the world’s most popular and widely read edition of the ancient classic and over 100 million copies have been published internationally in nearly sixty languages.

About the author

At the age of 69, homeless, penniless and alone, Swami Prabhupada arrived in the Lower East Side of New York, in search of ‘better opportunities’ to preach his message. This was Skid row; the lowest of the low. Here he lived, worshipped, studied and taught. Every evening his new residence, the rat-ridden 94 Bowery, would fill up with buzzing acidheads, bearded bohemians, ruined alcoholics and disillusioned dropouts. Sex, music, LSD, and meditation is what made them tick. The Swami would nonchalantly take his seat at the front, face-to-face with those looking for real love, real happiness and real spiritual experience.

The Swami’s expression would exude bottomless depth, not fazed in the slightest. In short, straight, simple philosophical discourses, he communicated eternal truths with unparalleled impact.