For US

Have fun, build connections and
raise vital funds

As a fundraiser, you can have fun, make new connections and raise vital funds to support our work. Whether you’re celebrating a special occasion, taking on a personal challenge, or just passionate about our cause, you can make a significant impact.

Starting a fundraiser is easier than you think, here are a few creative ideas to get you started:


Celebrate with purpose

Transform your special occasions into opportunities to give back. Whether it’s a birthday, wedding, graduation or any other meaningful day, invite your friends and family to donate to your campaign instead of giving gifts.

Be Creative

Unleash your imagination and come up with unique fundraising ideas. Grow a moustache, dance all day, run a marathon, organise a craft sale, conduct or anything in between. Use your creativity to raise funds for our cause.


In Honour of

Honour someone special in your life by dedicating a fundraiser to their memory or their accomplishments.